Original Driver — UX Design process for a mobile application

Juliane Monteiro
6 min readMay 3, 2021

Study and steps to develop a solution for app drivers with Banco Original account

→ Você também pode ler este artigo em Português.

Note: This project was part of my UX specialization, Banco Original (Original Bank) team wasn’t present during this process, which was done exclusively by me just for academic purposes.

Whoever looks at the final prototype or the published project, it’s hard to imagine all the work, processes and tools used to create a good user experience. This is exactly what I will show in this case:


Banco Original has noticed that its customer base has an exponential growth of app drivers. They are self-employed, who have a variable income and high labor costs and sometimes the result is loss of control on their expenses. What kind of product or service Banco Original can offer as a solution and be recognized as the best option by users?

Problem and analysis

In this case, the central problem had been already defined by the briefing. I defined some points to use as a start point in this project:

The customer base growth, without a specific product focused on their variable income needs, costs with self-employment and lack of financial control.

With this concept defined, it became clear to understand the three subjects that I should analyze:

  • Digital banking market (Banco Original is a fully digital bank).
  • Transport app's market (behavior and target audience).
  • Aspects of financial education in Brazil (level of understanding).

With the research done, it was possible to list the highlights of each topic:

Analysis — Highlights by topics board
Analysis — Highlights by topics


Understanding what has already been doing in the market, brings valuable material for more assertive solutions and greater perception of value for the end user, the market and the company.

Benchmark painel

Pain Point

When you understand the main user’s pain points and the main business pain points, it’s possible to relate their necessities in a unique solution that brings benefits to both sides.

Paint point board
Paint point board

Main goal

Bring finances control to the user in a practical and quick way.

CSD Matrix

Used to kill doubts, multiply certainties:

CSD matrix board
CSD matrix

Who will use the solution?

Stakeholder map

A project is never alone in the universe, it always has stakeholders that influence it. Understanding who these people or companies are, is very important to understanding the implicit values in the project.

Stakeholders map
Stakeholders map

Interviews and forms

I was generating this solution to help people in their day-by-day, so why not ask them their impressions about the subject? Understanding people's needs from their own words, gestures and reactions is something extremely important for a good solution.

Interviews can be done live or by video calls. Another thing that I used to improve my knowledge about users’ thoughts is forms. In both solutions, the most important point is to have clear questions, which give to the user opportunity to express themselves freely. With interviews and forms together, I had consistent information that allowed me to define the persona in this project.

Creating a persona

Create a persona is list all the user characteristics, in order to create levels of understanding and complexity to solution. In some complex cases we can create more than one persona and this is ok! In this case, the information collected was very close, so i defined only one person, Felipe:


Empathy map

Empathy, in digital projects, has a clear function: make designers capable of understanding the user environment, their behavior, pains and values. In this project, I noted that frustration with his daily life related to financial and family issues affects the final user:

Empathy map board
Empathy map board

User journey map

Another interesting tool to creating more empathic solutions is the user journey map that shows the steps that the user took from the decision to become an application driver.

User journey map board
User journey map board

Need statement

Understanding all the points in previous steps, it’s possible to define the main need and implicit values to be delivered to the user.

Need statement

But what are we going to do anyway?

Prioritization matrix

Shows the relationship between effort and user’s perception of value. It’s not a rule, but usually we choose the idea/feature that has most value and least effort.

Prioritization matrix board
Prioritization matrix board

MVP and Prototyping

MVP definition

It is very important to identify the central value and the necessary features to define what has to be delivered.

Wireframe to high-fidelity prototype

When I already have some experience with the company, I jump to the medium or even high fidelity prototype. In this case, I didn't have any material or UI component, so first I made a low fidelity wireframe to test the MVP's features and have more speed to change if it was necessary.


User test

With the wireframe done, I was able to start testing it. For this, it is very important to have the objectives and tasks really defined, to give correct parameters to the user that, in this case, could give more constructive feedback.

After the wireframe is tested, changes are made and applied to the high-fidelity prototype, it’s time to test again. With everything aligned as possible, I was able to finally say “It’s done!”

The final result \o/

Original Driver video presentation

Complete project on behance

Finally, after all this process and work, we have a prototype to share with the development team and launch to the public.

Not all projects go through all these steps. And I don’t necessarily do all these steps in every project. The most important thing is to always keep in mind who our user is, where the company is located and what we could do to make things simpler. Et voilà!

This was how I worked to create this solution, but there are many other ways to do this and that’s the design fun, the countless possibilities and ways we have to improve people’s lives ❤

Thanks for reading!

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Check me out here: http://www.julianemonteiro.com



Juliane Monteiro

Lead Designer UX/UI who loves solve problems and make people’s lives simple